Better Together Cubed

We Believe That ALL Students Can Grow and Thrive

With a Responsive MTSS Structure

bettertogether3 provides a Tier II program component inviting educators to do more than just view reports and plan for instruction. Our all-in-one platform provides the tools to learn about MTSS concepts, deliver social and emotional lessons, provide meaningful behavior interventions, and analyze the effectiveness of the entire MTSS process.

We Believe That ALL Students Can Grow and Thrive

bettertogether3 supports you every step of the way



Learn the best practices for designing and executing SEL-focused MTSS in your school or district through customizable professional development and coaching.



Follow simple lesson sequences aligned to real-time student assessment data to deliver small group and/or 1:1 targeted support.



Analyze easy-to-use student reports to determine trends, identify focus areas for continuous improvement, and celebrate student growth.

What are MTSS Tier II Interventions

Secondary interventions are programs or strategies delivered at the individual or small-group levels to address the needs of students who do not respond to primary prevention at the school-wide or classroom levels (Hawken, Adolphson, MacLeod, & Schumann, 2009). 

bt3 seamlessly integrates into evidence-based Tier II interventions

Tier Levels

Student engagement increases when SEL complements MTSS, increasing students’ sense of belonging and inclusion.

  • All students and adults thrive in a safe, just, and supportive school climate.
  • SEL is foundational to academics and behavior.
  • All students have equitable access to a tiered system of supports with SEL at the center.
  • Social and emotional skills are intentionally fostered using evidence-based, culturally relevant, equity-focused, and developmentally appropriate practices supported by SEL learning standards.
  • Youth voice and engagement support the development of student identity, agency, and belonging.
  • Adult SEL is intentionally supported to ensure student SEL is fostered.
  • Families, caregivers, and communities are critical partners in building equitable systems that support students’ academic, social, and emotional development.
  • Supportive discipline policies and practices are instructive, restorative, developmentally appropriate, and equitably applied.
Council of Chief State School Officers

What Educators And Leaders Are Saying

From our School Partners

The monthly leadership sessions have been instrumental in successfully implementing bt3 this year. Each session allows us to reflect on our implementation and seek feedback and suggestions from the bt3 team. Their support and encouragement have helped us stay the course and effectively make adjustments when we needed to.

Principal, Totino-Grace High School

Love it!... Once I started using the lessons and saw how much my students loved it, things have been good."

Elementary Teacher

I appreciated the intentional SEL tools for both adults and students."

Instructional Coach

The Wellness Modules have really added to staff meetings and our overall school culture."


Our coaching session helped me better understand different ways I can incorporate the bettertogether3 activities in my special education classroom."

SPED Teacher

I feel more connected to my colleagues which leads to more comfort in sharing & learning together."

High School Teacher

The continuous improvement cycle work (coaching sessions) is very meaningful because it keeps the momentum of implementation going."

Elementary Teacher

It’s fluid and allows for autonomy. You can use lessons to support what you are teaching in another subject. It is very, very versatile."

Elementary Teacher

Using the bt3 lessons provides a consistency for kids so they are willing to engage and grow, but also they feel ready to try something new."

Middle School Teacher

BT3 has given me as a leader and also my teachers a structure and framework to use, yet it is so flexible enough that teachers can tailor to their own class. It is so supportive for teachers who are feeling overwhelmed."


The coaches are supportive and willing to meet us exactly where we are. I appreciate that they understand the classroom and the challenges we are facing."

High School Teacher

Kids are showing up so differently after just a month of using the lessons. Our classroom has become a trusting community where everyone feels valued and accepted."

Middle School Teacher
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Proud to be a SELect Program Designated by CASEL

Our SELect program designation from CASEL indicates our K-12 program promotes students’ social and emotional competence in a SELect category, provides opportunities for practice, and offers multi-year programming; in addition the designation indicates we deliver high quality training and other implementation supports.