Better Together Cubed

Evidence-Based SEL Research

Evidence-Based SEL Research

Experts agree that SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships by establishing learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation.

SEL can help address various forms of inequity and empower young people and adults to co-create thriving schools and contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities.

Significant Impact Shown During the Pandemic in All Learning Models

A study conducted by an outside evaluator, which was performed over the course of the 2020-2021 school year, indicates significant gains in self-awareness, regulation, and social awareness for schools utilizing the bettertogether3 program.
Significant Impact Shown During the Pandemic in All Learning Models
Proven Results in Unforeseen Contexts

Proven Results in Unforeseen Contexts

The findings of bettertogether3′s curriculum pilot study found statistically significant progress in SEL competencies across diverse school populations. Successful results were shown despite the many obstacles students and educators faced throughout the pandemic. Findings were significant between intervention and control groups, as well as for nearly all areas of SEL in the examination of pre- and post-tests. Students were far better off at the end of the school year having spent time working within bt3 solutions. The success of this pilot program emphasizes its applicability in multiple learning modalities, with diverse student populations and school settings.

Evidence of Success Continues

While pandemic distress may not disrupt future school years, the improvements seen in this study translate to likely success in a multitude of learning environments. The pilot study clearly indicated student growth in all of the following major CASEL areas of SEL (CASEL, “What is SEL?”, 2017):
  • Self-Awareness
  • Social Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Relationship Skills
  • Responsible Decision Making
Evidence of Success Continues
According to the findings, of the students who started the 2021-2022 school year reporting that it is “hard to get along with others who are different or have different perspectives,” 46% of respondents reported that it is no longer “hard or sometimes hard to get along with others who are different than me or have different perspectives” after just 4 months of bettertogether3 programming. Furthermore, mid-year student self-assessment findings showed of the students who started the year responding that “working with others is hard for them”, 42% of them reported “it is no longer hard or sometimes hard for them to work with others.” bt3’s comprehensive SEL curriculum had an immediate impact on students’ social capacity.

You also can read the long version of this report in this link.

Grounded in the Evidence-Based SEL Research

Grounded in the Evidence-Based SEL Research

bettertogether3 was developed with the most current research in adolescent brain development and social psychology. We are proud of the research and evidence behind our turnkey SEL program. We are especially proud of our commitment to CASEL’s newest priority of adult SEL- we put educators first!

Why Social and Emotional Learning Matters

Research indicates that the collective trauma, grief, anxiety, and overwhelm from the past few years is impacting the way we show up for ourselves and for others. Neurobiologically, when our emotions are out of balance and unattended to, our attention span, creativity, decision making, motivation, as well as our physical health is affected. This is also true for students. Now more than ever our students need adults who are brave enough to talk about the elephant in the room. We are not always doing okay. Students are looking to us as models for how to handle our new normal, post-pandemic. They are desperate for a space to process the impact of the events of the past few years, learn to reconnect with each other, and re-engage with the world around them. We have important work to do so our next generation can thrive outside of our school walls. Won’t you join bettertogether3 in this critical work?
Why Social and Emotional Learning Matters